Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!

Scale and mouth detail

Scale and mouth detail

Silhouettes, exploration sketches and concept idea

Silhouettes, exploration sketches and concept idea

Shoggoth concept for a Lovecraft inspired Horror film based on "At the Mountains of Madness".

One of the most ambitious projects I did the year I started learning 3D without any basis. I wanted to recreate the Investigators' encounter with the Shoggoth from H.P. Lovecraft's novel “At the Mountains of Madness”. Although the novel talks about something that has no defined shape, I wanted to make an anthropomorphic version of a Lamprey, keeping the most characteristic feature of these creatures of Lovecraft, the hundreds of eyes.

In this project I had my first anatomical challenge in both shading and sculpting, as I had to base myself on overweight endomorphic oval bodies.

As it is a creature with many iconic elements, the eyes, the toothed mouth, the tentacular tongue, I had to balance well the weights of each element so that none of them eclipsed the previous one.